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- Yearning to Speak a Word
- Singer of the Song of Infinity
- Wellspring of Holiness
- I Take Heed
- To Know Each of Your Secrets
- Great is My Desire
- To Serve God
- To Return to God
- Land of Israel
- My Love is Great
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I Take Heed

What Do I See In A Vision?
What do I see in a vision?
I see the supernal thought, the thought that encompasses everything, the thought in which the entire force and fullness of everything resides.
I see that all of the great torrents pour forth from it.
And from the great torrents come rivers.
And from the rivers come streams.
And from the streams come freshets.
And from the freshets flow rivulets.
And these rivulets are also divided into small conduits.
And these conduits are divided into a multitude, thousands, tens of thousands, countless tendrils— pouring forth love, life and thought.
Sometimes there is too narrow a space to allow the soul to swim amongst the tendrils.
The soul is then grasped by the roots of those fine tendrils: the conduits.
And if the conduit too is narrow, the soul is grasped by the rivulet.
And if the rivulet is narrow for it, it is grasped by the freshet.
And if the freshet is narrow, it is grasped by the stream.
And if the stream is narrow, it is grasped by the river.
And if the river constrains it, it is grasped by the divine torrent, filled with water, connected to the boundless thought, the place of broad channels.
In this manner, the lowest trickle, seeping from the tendrils, wells from the prime source of supernal thought, a source so high that the eye grows weary seeking it.
“Hashem has said that He will dwell in the thick cloud.”
I See How Souls Blossom
I see how souls blossom, how life is revealed.
From the supernal treasure house, lights appear, streams of radiance, a supernal glow descends like golden threads.
It shines from the place of concealment onto that unique center where the conditions of life and of growth are prepared for those souls.
And below, out of the thick cloud of chaos, bubble up the rescued shards, taken hold of by the conditions of life and growth to rise to the heights of existence.
And in the center they will meet and become a living soul.
So blossoms and flowers the garden of life of every living being, and man in his glorious beauty.
How lovely is this garden of God, which grows ever more fragrant, constantly rising, constantly uplifted.
And even though times of descent also affect it, in the end it causes its living well springs to pour forth, it proceeds confidently to its happiness. And its happiness, incomparable and infinite, will surely come.
And the great day, when everything will be filled with light, everything will be steeped in delight and pleasure, will be like the spring wind.
“And behold the glory of the God of Israel comes from the path of the east.”
“And the earth shines from His glory.”
I See Souls in Their Greatness
I see souls in their greatness and in their smallness—how they stand in the fullness of their character, filled with light, with glory and eternal splendor, and how they are small, dim and dark, dusky and weak, and how they are redeemed from destruction by means of an illumination of supernal kindness of a great and mighty power that is aroused by the prayer of those who are straight, which fills the entire world with the dew of life and blessing.
Although if I speak elevated words and a fear passes over all my bones, I will not be taken aback, for I will know that Hashem is with me—what can flesh do to me?
A World Filled With Old Souls
I see a world filled with old souls, souls within bodies, souls to which the lees of the body cling, which do not completely soar, [which do not] supernally hover, transcend all flesh and physicality with complete sovereignty over the body and all of the characteristics of the body.
That great treasure house filled with souls within the body must be emptied out.
All of those souls that do not rest upon a body, [that do not] encompass it, camp around it, shine upon it from all sides and use it for purposes of action and the concentration of a life of deeds in its constricted sense must come to an end. They must fulfill their unique character, achieve their physical purpose and then rise above it.
After that, a new light will appear, a new treasure house of life filled with freshness, new souls filled with the phenomenon of a lofty life, an eternal sovereignty that blossoms upward, which flies upward constantly before the splendor of the supernal God—[souls] that are emanated from the radiance of the supernal wisdom and might.
Only then will the turn come for the royalty of the supernal God, God, the God of Israel, to be to be revealed upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom.
“The son of David will not come until the souls within the body are exhausted. As the verse states, ‘Every spirit will grow faint before Me and the souls that I have made.’”