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Liberated from Science If the new science will boast that it has been liberated from theology, it must know that theology has been correspondingly liberated from science, which had bound it in human chains. Indeed, a new name shall be given to the supernal state: not a name that human beings will fashion but a new name that the mouth of God shall designate. The theology that is liberated from the chains of science is prophecy, the unique property of Israel, which will speedily be revealed to us.
Arpelei Torah, p. 40
When We Learn in Holiness
When we learn in holiness, our will and wisdom together grow more refined. A divine glow emerges from our soul’s intrinsic source, filling all its being. Spiritual life courses to our soul’s extremities, like blood coursing to the extremities of the body.
On the other hand, all secular learning, in whatever discipline it may be, merely enlivens the particular topic it is dealing with.
From a quantitative point of view, this is the elemental difference between the holy and the secular. In addition, there is a qualitative difference between the two, which is on a much more elevated, indeed, an incomparable, plane.
Orot Hatorah 6:1